Friday, May 22, 2009

Significant Growth in Private Equity Funds focused on Cleantech

More than 380 private equity firms are focused on the cleantech sector, according to new research published by Research and Markets, and reported here by the Cleantech Brief. The post notes that North America leads the way with 45% of private equity fund managers, followed by Europe (36%), with the rest of the world (including Asia) accounting for the remaining 19%.

Funds of funds accounted for 19% of investors, while public pension funds made up 15% of the sector's investor base.

So with the increased focus on cleantech arond the globe, where do you expect to see activity occurring around the globe, and in which cleantech industries?

Waxman-Markey climate bill passes Energy & Commerce Committee

The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed on May 21 the American Clean Energy & Security Act, clearing the way for a bill to be delivered to the full House of Representatives prior to the August recess.

This post aggregates opinions on the current form of the bill, ranging from praise (Al Gore for the Alliance on Climate Protection) to strong criticism that the bill was significantly watered down (Greenpeace).

What are your thoughts on the Waxman-Markey bill? What shape and form will it ultimately need to take to be passed by the House, Senate and ultimately signed by Obama? Will this version have enough teeth to have a significant impact on clean energy, the environment and the economy?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Is the US giving up on fuel cells?

According to this article in the New York Times, the new administration's Department of Energy budget beginning Oct. 1, 2009, will not include funding for cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells, citing a lack of viability for the technology over the next 10 to 20 years.

Is the Administration being too hasty in its decision to cut funding to a technology once thought to be the key to weaning us off of foreign oil?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You know there's money to be made

...when the mob gets involved. According to this report published in the New York Daily News, Italian mobsters have forced their way into wind farm construction deals in Italy. Law enforcement investigations revealed poorly built projects linked to mob activity, as well as several arrests in a wind power fraud case in February.